Friday, December 25, 2009

miss u much2 m0re!

dear adeq su!
welc0me syg!
haha..i've been waiting f0r u..s0 l0ng!
finally..u c0me!
weh..x aci!xaci!
aku rndu gk ng angah mayam!!!!

I miss You

it almost two weeks we all not talking to each other
laughing,playing(lol),eating n so many things that we make it together
and for the sake of heaven i miss u guys damnly
ehm,actually i was a little bit suprised and overwhelmed
seeing this beautiful and cute blog
credit to along zaty for her good job,hands clapping for u
by the way i should ask "along,where is ur link?give me pls!"

Actually i just back from terengganu
n kalo ak gtaw korang ni jgn jeles yek
ak p umah mayam,kat taman tekukur
unfortunately i got no pictures to show u guys
malu ah dgn family dye tetibe je nk snap pics kan
angah mayam skang ni cerah sket compare 2 da old one,hek9
okeyh got nothing to say anymore...
i love u guys,,~sigh~

~destiny hope a.k.a adik sue tyrah~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

dear my cayam!

m0nim 2 evryb0dy.....
h0h0...t0 al0ng zaty..i've t0ld them laaaaaa....
hehe..nvrmind..,d0n w0ry ep,0ur l0vly bl0g...u still have a very3 l0yal bl0gger!
hmmmmm....i w0nder where they're...the days we had..the s0ng we sang t0gether...!
again!!!!!!!!!!!t0 members 0f threeG...please n0tice this bl0g ep!

l0nging 4 u guys s00000ooooo0000 much!


Morning birds!

I still haven't my breakfast yet - in great hungry! But still, layan blog dulu =)

First, congrats to all PMR candidates as you guys are already out of those nightmares. Having good result for a better future is really satisfying! Keep up the good work!

Second, dear my darlas..
It seems like only me and Yanna posted things here. Hey Yanna, don't you tell them about the blog?I told you to,kan?


c0ngratz maahadian!!!!

hari ni reslt pmr kluar..
maahad muhammadi perempuan cemerlang,gemilang,terbilang!
89 orang dpt 9A!!!!!!!!
tahniah pd guru2 maahad yg tlh byk bjasa!
we l0ve u teachers...
and t0 maahadian..keep up ur hardw0rk!
jadian maahad gemilang di mata dunia..
kt0rang sbg ex-maahadian tmpang bangga dgn kjayaan anda!
d0an kjayaan kami ep!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hmmm....again..starting the day...with same r0utine...
t0 members 0f threeG..i miss u guys s0 bad..wish i could have u guys by my side right n0w..

aku tringt tyme kte kt asrma..suke2..mkn same2..td0 same2..hehe..n s0 many things la..
c0uld i bring back the past time??n0!never!
each time,i see our ph0t0s..all the sweet m0ments were flashbacked in my mind!
h0w lucky i am to have u guys!
thank to ALLAH...for blessing me with a very2 l0ving gang!

l0ve u guys!
achik yana..


t0 members of threeG...
u're welcome to post our blog...

achik yana...

bec0ming new pers0n...

hmmmm...its unbeliveable!!!
we're bec0ming new person..
with new aim..and mission..
but..these 0ld mem0ries..sweet m0ments we shared together should never fade..
miss u guys so much..
mama teah,bang long,along zaty,angah maryam,kak su tyah,adeq su tyrah..
i d0nt think i c0uld learn the value 0f friendship without u guys.. the time...starting new life..
what are waiting for us in the future...
who knows..???
let's pray the best for our future....

achik yana...

Monday, December 21, 2009


Sunday, December 20, 2009


Salam =)
Hey guys!

Believe it or not, we finally have our very own blog! I am so excited, I don't even know what to story about. And I'm kinda speechless!

Hey, do you love the layout? I tried my best to search for something cheerful and full of happiness. Then it came acrossed my mind about RAINBOW. I believe every of us loves rainbow. I can imagine how we react each time we see rainbow on the sky. Everybody is overjoying the moment. Isn't it?

Well, I chose rainbow because it has 7 colours. And us, we're 7 too! Btw, the colour of rainbow is light and a bit childish. I just want every of us to always remind of our sweet moments altogether, in laughs or even in tears. Being close to each other, sharing love and pain.

I'm really sorry I can't upload any picture yet. I need some time to edit, and I will publish it one day.

Hey, you guys are welcomed to express anything here, this blog is belong to us! Eventhough we're no more in a place, we still have our heart here =)

Feel free to enjoy our friendship. I love you guys. Til then,daa~
